EDU ANGELS INDIA PVT LTD | is Hiring | NLP Engineer | | 06-04-22

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Job Location: Mumbai (All Areas)


  • Build, Improve and extend NLP capabilities
  • Research and evaluate new/different approaches to NLP problems
  • Produce deliverable results and take them from development to production in collaboration with our AI Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers
  • Potential for managerial responsibilities within six to eighteen months

Eligibility Jyotish Jyotish - Career & Life Prediction

  • Degree in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, or related fields from a top tier university
  • 2+ years of experience with the ability to get deep in the development of the described NLP capabilities below, as well as have managerial potential or some managerial experience
  • Must have: Strong understanding of text pre-processing and normalization techniques such as Tokenization, POS tagging, and parsing and how they work at a low level
  • Must have: Experience working on millions of text documents
  • Expertise in at least 3 of the following: Entity Extraction, Relationship Extraction, Document Classification, Topic Modeling, Natural Language Understanding (NLU) 
  • Experience with open-source NLP toolkits such as CoreNLP, OpenNLP, spaCy, NLTK, Gensim, LingPipe, Mallet, etc.
  • Experience with open-source ML/math toolkits such as Scikit-learn, MLlib, Theano, NumPy, etc.

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