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Job Location: Noida
Location- Noida
Level- BASBA
No. of Positions- 5
– Work with a team to develop the organizations IT GRC capabilities through development of the RSA Archer solution.
– Archer DevelopmentSupport experience must with Strong Data feed Knowledge.
– Archer certification 5.x
– Ability to convert the Business Requirement in Archer Solution.
– Work with teams to produce accurate key operational metrics for IT assessments.
– Oversee and integrate multiple data feeds into the Archer platform.
-Supply recommendations and subject matter expertise for the development architecture of the Archer platform.
– Maintain in-depth knowledge of the organization policies, standards, guidance and controls and provide on demand support to the companys resources for these materials.
– Interpret legal, compliance, and privacy impacts on the Archer tool and data, provide advice on controls and safeguards for data per requirements.
– Assist coordination and implementation of appropriate IT Governance, metrics collection, and reporting capabilities across Group IT
– Provide consultancy for analysis and identification of broader systematic issues based on results of security metrics.
– Responsible for the development, administration and support of the RSA Archer Platform including screen design, data fields, calculations, workflows, Integrations, etc.
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