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Job Location: Work From Home
Selected intern’s day-to-day responsibilities include:
1. Work with SMEs and other experts in areas like NLP, computer vision, machine learning, etc.
2. Work on case studies, class materials, and projects for the data science/ML course
3. Research & develop end-to-end project prototypes and automation of business problems
4. Introduce and optimize program structures for fluent workflow and delivery
5. Create video content from end to end
6. Translate the creative briefs into innovative approaches that help tell the vision of our brand and product stories
7. Assist in producing and editing compelling videos for YouTube, digital properties, OTT, and social media
8. Help the product team in building products that deliver the best student experience
9. Prepare and deliver lectures and webinars
10. Improve the student experience by organizing contests, mentoring sessions, etc.
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