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Job Location: Pune
In-depth data analysis: Extract data to manipulate / calculate / format / combine into presentable reports, charts, and graphs. Analyze and interpret data to find outliers, understand root cause, business impact, correlations/discrepancies, and propose changes/alternate solutions
Discover patterns/root causes, and generate insightsto drive product enhancements
Bring together disparate data sources to create a complete analysis.
Discover patterns/root causes, and generate insightsto drive product enhancements
Bring together disparate data sources to create a complete analysis.
Analyze and evaluate the quality of data used for model training and testing
Create and present proposals and resultsin an intuitive, data-backed manner, along with actionable insights and recommendations to drive business decisions
Collaborate with other data scientists and engineers on data collection and feature design efforts across teams
Communicate resultsto diverse audiencesthrougheff ectivewriting and data
visualizations (BI reports and Dashboards)
Create and present proposals and resultsin an intuitive, data-backed manner, along with actionable insights and recommendations to drive business decisions
Collaborate with other data scientists and engineers on data collection and feature design efforts across teams
Communicate resultsto diverse audiencesthrougheff ectivewriting and data
visualizations (BI reports and Dashboards)
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