Folium, Inc | Behavior Analyst Hourly | Chambersburg, PA | United States | | 2023-01-27


Job Location: Chambersburg, PA

Job Detail:

position title: Behavior Analyst Hourly

Location: Chambersburg, PA

Job Title: Behavior Analyst (BA)

FLSA: Exempt *If part time then Non-Exempt

Reports To:
Administrative Director andClinical Director of IBHS



The Behavior Analyst(BA) brings an enhanced level of knowledge and expertise in the area of AppliedBehavior Analysis when delivering the service of Behavior Analytic Treatment throughthe ABA program. The goals of the BA areto provide clinical direction of services to the identified child, youth, oryoung adult; along with developing and monitoring the Individualized TreatmentPlan (ITP). The BA applies their specialized knowledge toassess the individual’s behaviors, design a behavioral intervention program,and monitor the implementation of non-aversive behavioral change methods. TheBA makes changes to promote progress based on the data observed and collectedby members of the treatment team. The BA will also lead the treatment team andwill strive to develop collaboration among all treatment team members.

Laurel Life. BA’s will address specific needsof the individual and family in a manner that encourages child and familyautonomy so that services can be effectively reduced and discontinued when theindividual’s behavior improves and stabilizes. Our goals are to integrate the individual into the community as well asequip the family with the necessary skills to maintain improvementsdemonstrated by the individual while receiving services. Laurel Life. staff will strive to establishcollaboration within the family, promote a family’s ability to function as acohesive, independent whole, and improve the quality of the family andindividual relationships.

In addition to thedetails and requirements for the employee listed below, Laurel Life.expects the employee be committed to incorporating principles of traumainformed care in all areas of service delivery. Commitment to theseprinciples in trauma treatment will be required through attendance in trainingsand use of identified evidence-based practices. Trauma informed careincludes cultural sensitivity and emphasizes a safe and respectful environmentfor all clients and staff.


  • Provide Behavior Analytic Treatment serviceto assigned caseload working in home, school, and community settings.
  • Develop individualized behaviormodification treatment plans and supervise the implementation of the plans;completing functional analysis when indicated.
  • Maintain progress notes for everybillable contact. Prepare professionallywritten summaries and documents describing a client’s behavior and progress inachievement of treatment plan goals.
  • Design and direct the implementation abehavioral intervention plan for the identified child.
  • Complete regularly occurring data reviews.
  • Participate in interagency treatment planmeetings as needed.
  • BA will provide clinical oversight to BehavioralHealth Technician ?ABA (BHT-ABA) at the location of behavioral interventions ona routine basis. BA will work closelywith the BHT-ABA to ensure treatment goals are being implementedaccurately. Interaction with the BHT-ABAcan be held at any location where behavioral interventions take place (school,home, and/or community).
  • BA will provide supervision to any assignedRBT’s according to Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)Standards.
  • Develop cooperative relationships withcommunity agencies that will facilitate treatment services provided to allclients.
  • Work as a positive team member supportingthe team’s mission and goals, consistently working in a trusting andcooperative manner with fellow team members and supporting the team’s commonoperating approach.
  • Accepts professional responsibility andserves as a role model for positive, pro-social behavior; modeling respect,responsibility, integrity, empathy, impulse control, emotional self-awareness,and professional boundaries.
  • Demonstrates commitment to professionalgrowth by attending all required meetings, trainings and organizationaltrainings.
  • Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments(FBA’s)- collect, quantify, and analyze data. Facilitates team meeting todiscuss data and findings. Fine tunes IBHS prescriptions based on levels ofneed.
  • Administer skills assessments andutilizes teaching/skill building curriculum (PEAK, VB-MAPP, Denver Model,ABLLS-R, etc.)
  • Attends both individual and group supervision.
  • An individual who provides behavioranalytic services will complete at least 16 hours of training annually that isapproved by the PA Department of Human Services as outlined in the individualtraining plan.
  • Candidate will have to successfullycomplete and maintain certification of ESPI training. ESPI techniques are onlyused in compliance with Laurel Life policy and procedure and within guidelinesestablished by third-party experts in the proper and legal use of ESPI.
  • Maintain an active valid driver’s licenseissued by state in which they reside and must immediately notify theirsupervisor or Human Resources if their license is suspended or revoked for anyreason.
  • May perform other special projects orduties as requested.


Possess specificexpertise in the areas of Autism and Applied Behavioral Analysis with theability to carry out individualized behavior programs using at least one ormore models of ABA (such as PEAK, Verbal Behavior, Competent Learner Model,Lovaas Model, Denver Model). Training and experience in completion ofFunctional Behavioral Assessments (FBA’s). Good interpersonal skills, includingthe ability to develop effective and meaningful relationships withclients. Must be able identifyunderlying causes of problem situations, and recommend non-aversive behavioralchange methods. Must be a team player.


  • Licensed in the state of Pennsylvania asa psychologist, professional counselor (LPC), marriage and family therapist(LMFT), clinical social worker (LCSW), social worker (LSW), behavior specialist(LBS), certified registered nurse practitioner, or a professional with a scopeof practice that includes overseeing the provision of ABA services.
  • Hold a certification as a BCBA or othergraduate level of certification in behavior analysis that is accredited by theNational Commission for Certifying Agencies or the American National StandardsInstitute.
  • The Behavior Analyst will have an updatedAct 33 Child Abuse Clearance, Act 34 Criminal Record Check, FBI CriminalBackground Check, and Act 31 CPSL Mandated Reporter Training prior to workingalone with a child.

Work settings caninclude, but are not limited to, school buildings, home, community, church,activity centers, or extended or kinship family home. Working conditions duringthe summer program and recreational programs may involve physicalactivities. Clientele may at times be verballyor physically abusive.

The above statementsare intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performedby people assigned to this job. They arenot intended to be an exhaustive list of responsibilities, duties, and skillsrequired or personnel so classified.

This job descriptionis not intended to be a contract of employment with the employee. The employeecovered by this job description is an at-will employee of Laurel Life .


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