Plz be Honest as this information can help changing someone's life...
Ex., Post Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics
Or Post Graduate Programme in Data Science
For Ex., Insofe, Hyderbad, Telangana
UpGrad, Bangalore, Karnataka
Ex., PhD in Business Data Science, Newark, New Jersey, USA
You may copy paste the whole PROJECT section of your CV/Resume here...Plz add a line gap between two projects. BUT PLZ MAKE SURE PROJECTS MUST BE ONLY RELATED TO DS/ML/AI....
Plz mention all Key responsibilities that you have handled in your job/internship which makes your profile better than others... It could be from any of your DS/ML/AI related job roles. PLZ DON'T INCLUDE RESPONSIBILITIES HANDLED IN College/Training/kaggle PROJECTS...
Plz relate your project knowledge to the companies you are planning to be part of, don't include companies name, Mention some plans of yours to do something for Society as a Data Scientist/ML/AI Engineer.
Mention as many reference of yours who are working in DS/ML/AI field in below format.
1.) Ram Shankar, ABC Ltd., 9 Years Exp. Email ID:, Mob.: +91-7867867867
Here you can inspire other jobseekers by updating your daily struggles and how did you come out of them so that others can follow them and don't go with what you have gone through.. CAN SKIP IF WANT...You can mention as below:
26 Jan 2022: I appeared in TCS & failed in HR round, my learning was prepare about company information as well apart from technical
27 Jan 2022: Wasted my money on a fake data science training company called XYZ, pls stay away from it...
Here you can inspire other jobseekers by sharing your success story when you are placed or got a career transition/job switch etc..., CAN SKIP IF WANT...