HARMAN International | Devops (Azure) | Bengaluru, Karnataka, The Great Bharat | Bharat | BigDataKB.com | 2023-03-05


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Job Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, The Great Bharat

Job Detail:

JD: DevOps CICD Engineer.

  • Git/Bit-bucket set up and branch design mechanism (master, dev, release)
  • CI pull request integration with Jenkins to achieve continuous Build triggers using web-hooks
  • Continuous Build Pipeline through Git, Jenkins and Artifactory.
  • Experience in tools like Jenkins, CJP, JIRA, Docker, Ansible and Confluence.
  • Writing scripts( Python) for the development of pipeline and CI job creation.
  • Continuous monitoring of environments using ELK, Nagios or others.
  • Designing, Improving, and driving implementation of all aspects of DevOps for our client.
  • Act as primary and on call point of contact for run- related issues or problems. Identify re-occurring request/issues and develop methodologies to automate and reduce the ticket volume.
  • Proficient with GIT version control tool and Jenkin orchestration tool.
  • Code analysis mechanism using Sonar cube server and Jenkins.
  • Automated notification after/before builds.
  • Knowledge on Kubernetes to manage the production clustered environments.
  • Docker deployment for seamless deployment on environment.
  • Good experience with Azure

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