Dr. Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. Prof. Rev.
Email(Required) Experience Detail (Last Three Employments, Starting with Current Employer till your first Employer)(Required) Please list your previous employers, with their Name, Work Location, Job Role, Start & End Year. You may click on + Symbol to add more Rows (Max 3)...
PG Diploma/PGP Course Name(Required)
Ex., Post Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics
Or Post Graduate Programme in Data Science
PG Diploma/PGP College/Institite/Training Company Name, City. State(Required)
For Ex., Insofe, Hyderbad, Telangana
UpGrad, Bangalore, Karnataka
PhD Details With City, State, Country(Required)
Ex., PhD in Business Data Science, Newark, New Jersey, USA
Certification detail(Required) Plz mentione "ALL" the Courses/Certifications that you have done, make sure you have actually done them...Or you can show them in the interview, in case if you are Pursuing them now...
Why do you think that the above selected Training option is the best? (Plz be honest as this information can save someone else's lossing his/her hard earned money.)(Required)
Key Responsibilities/Project work related to ITSM from your past and current Job Roles Including Internships...(Required) Plz mention all Key responsibilities that you have handled in your job/internship which makes your profile better than others... It could be from any of your DS/ML/AI related job roles. PLZ DON'T INCLUDE RESPONSIBILITIES HANDLED IN College/Training/kaggle PROJECTS...
My Profile/Projects/My Blog/Website can be checked here...(Required) Please mentione atleast one of these Profile so that Recruiters and other Job Seekers ad experienced Data Scientists can easily connect with you.
Why do you want to be part of IT Service management role?(Required)
Plz relate your project knowledge to the companies you are planning to be part of, don't include companies name, Mention some plans of yours to do something for Society as a Data Scientist/ML/AI Engineer.
Reference ( If don't have any reference then just mention NA...)
Mention as many reference of yours who are working in DS/ML/AI field in below format. 1.) Ram Shankar, ABC Ltd., 9 Years Exp. Email ID:, Mob.: +91-7867867867
My Day To Day Challenges / Suggestion for fellow jobseekrs
u can share your tactics, plans ands mistakes so that your fellow jobseekers can follow or avoid them respectively... , this is what we can Godly service.. why someone should struggle for something for which i have already struggled with
My Success Story
Here you can inspire other jobseekers by sharing your success story when you are placed or got a career transition/job switch etc..., CAN SKIP IF WANT...
Consent(Required) I agree to the Terms mentioned below... is collecting my data just for placements, there will not be any other use of this data. If you have selected "Yes" for Show my CV on then only your CV will be shown on's Browse CV page. However if you select "No" then except your CV download link rest all info will be shared on browse CV page, so that other jobseekers & recruiters can connect with you.