FelixHealthcare.AI | Healthcare Analyst | The Great Bharat | Bharat | BigDataKB.com | 2023-03-07


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Job Location: The Great Bharat

Job Detail:

We are looking for a Healthcare Business Analyst who will be a bridge between our potential clients and our technology experts. Healthcare has its unique terminology, regulations and needs, so the analyst would bring that domain knowledge to the table.

Experience: 3 – 5 Years


  • Previous experience in the US Healthcare system: Providers, Payors (Health Plans, ACOs and PMBs), and/or Revenue Cycle Management
  • Undergraduate/masters degree
  • Proven experience in eliciting requirements and effectively communicating with both business users and technology teams
  • Experience in analysing data to draw business-relevant conclusions and in data visualization techniques and tools
  • Basic knowledge in generating process documentation
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills including technical writing skills

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