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Job Location: Bengaluru, The Great Bharat
₹ 5,00,000 – ₹ 6,00,000
Job Detail:
Are you an ambitious & talented software geek having data structures in your DNA?
Do you regret having born 10 years late which did not allow you to be part of companies like amazon or google when they were start ups?
Are you someone who can write The Algorithm and NOT just An Algorithm?
If Yes is your answer to above questions, then is hiring…
About the company: is a cutting-edge web start up that operates in the e-commerce domain. An online book retailing store, Flipkart was set up by a bunch of young enthusiasts from With their user base already touching 5 million users per month, they are in a phase which people call Revolution !!
– BE/BTech From 2010 Batch.
– High pH Score (should have solved out-of-box thinking questions)
– Good Academic Background.
Candidates looking for regular low-end-work in so called big software companies NEED NOT APPLY here.