Tata Capital | Manager – Data Science | Mumbai | Bharat | BigDataKB.com | 2023-03-04


Job Location: Mumbai

Job Detail:

  1. Drive risk analytics initiative for Retail & Mortgage Loans
  2. Use sophisticated statistical techniques to design advanced analytical scorecards for customer acquisition and collection recoveries
  3. Use of external data including Bureau Analytics
  4. Big Data and Social Media analytics for Risk Management
  5. Digitalization of Risk Management Processes
  6. Use of Machine Learning Techniques to solve Business Problems
  7. Collaborate with business users for implementation and monitoring of these scorecards/solutions
  8. Implementation of analytical solutions through IT platform
  9. Interact with senior management and business executives for driving business growth through analytical solutions

Specialized job competencies:

  • Tools: SAS, R, Python, Knowledge Seeker
  • Statistical Techniques: Logistic Regression, Segmentation, Forecasting, Machine Learning Techniques, Optimization

Educational Qualification: Post Graduate/ Graduate in Statistics/Engineering, MBA

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