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Job Location: Bengaluru
Job Detail:
- Reviewing/ Involved in day today AP/AR/GL/FA Transactions with Payments/Receipts
- Handling Audit Requests and providing Timely responses
- Timely Review, Approval and Recording of Accounting Transactions
- Support PO Creation
- Review payment request with appropriate approvals
- Evaluating monthly payments for Payroll/ Non payroll meeting the prescribed deadlines
- Establishment of S4H cost and revenue allocations (WBS Codes)
- Reporting for Large Deals (DB)-PL,AR AP
- Commerce Graduate with experience in Accounting-5 to 10 Years-Business Administration desirable
- Experience in Account Payables, Receivables, General Ledger, Fixed Assets Managing Payments Receipts
- Experience in compliances of Direct (WHT) and Indirect Tax (GST) Returns
- Knowledge in Payroll related compliances
- Comfortable in managing large data volumes (Data Analytics)
- Prior experience in SAP/S4H Tool
- Good written and verbal communication skills
- Finance Lease Experience (Applicable to SME)
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